Culturally & Linguistical Diverse Learners
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
Resources (click to view or download)
3 tips to make any lesson more culturally relevant
6 Myths that Lead to Overlooking Talented Minority Students
12 traits of Giftedness: A Non-Biased Profile
15 Tips for Identifying Gifted ELL Students
Checklist to Identify Advanced Academics Curriculum
Cultural Competence Checklist: A Personal Reflection
Examples of writing frames to scaffold for writing
Growth Mindset Strategies website
Identifying Gifted & Talented English Language Learners
Low Floor High Ceiling Handouts
Meeting the Linguistic Needs of High Potential English Language Learners
Study on the Identification of ELL for GT Programs
Utilizing Differentiated Instruction for English Language Learners with Disabilities