Instructional Resources

The following websites have newsletters and information you can access:

1. Byrdseed, look at his Fuzzy Problems page and his information about over-excitability

2. Lisa Van Gemert’s website

3. Exquisite Minds: Information about creativity and gifted

4. Differentiation Central: website for Carol Ann Tomlinson’s books

5. Bertie Kingore’s website

6. Understanding Our Gifted publication

7. Online free university courses: Massive Open Online Courses

8. Online classes for gifted students: Online G3 and Quartz

9. The Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute at Purdue offers several online enrichment options through Use this link and scroll down to the bottom to see a free offering for 13-18 year-olds beginning 2/5/20!

10. Resources suggested by Ian Byrd:,,,,

11. Portable Gifted and Talented: lessons, both free and for purchase

12. iCivics: Free civics lessons and activities

13. Brian Housand: lots of resources about the use of technology

14. Math Contest sponsored by Scholastic

15. Astronomy Resources for kids

16. The Gifted Guide – resources, both free and for purchase

17. Genius Hour – how to integrate independent study with Depth & Complexity

18. 24 Math Game – this link has information about how to integrate 24 card game into math enrichment

The following websites have many resources for teachers and parents:

1. Hoagies

2. National Association for Gifted (NAGC)

3. Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

4. Gifted Development Center

General resources for teachers:


2. 10 of the best virtual field trips

3. Virtual Field Trips every teacher ought to know

4. 20 Online virtual museum field trips

5. Denver Museum of Nature and Science Distance Learning

6. Rubistar – templates to create rubrics

7. Edutopia – Education Aides